Unleashed (unrated) – HD (iTunes)


SKU: DMNUnleashedunratedHDiTunes Category:


On and beneath the meanest streets of Glasgow, fiery gangster Bart is merciless with debtors, would-be rivals, and anyone else to whom he takes even a passing dislike. How does Bart maintain his chokehold? Through his unwitting enforcer Danny, who he has “raised” since boyhood. Danny has been kept as a near-prisoner by his “Uncle” Bart; trained to attack and, if necessary, kill. Danny knows little of life, except the brutal existence that Bart has so crudely and cruelly fashioned for him. But when Danny has a chance encounter with soft-spoken blind piano tuner Sam, he senses true kindness and compassion for the first time and experiences the transforming power of music. When a sudden gangland coup separates Danny from Bart and his mob, Danny is at last away from the underworld. He takes refuge with Sam and his spunky teenaged stepdaughter Victoria. Sam and Victoria open their home and hearts to Danny, who begins to envision a new future for himself. However, the mob will not give up its prize pupil so easily, and Danny must soon fight again, and fight back, to protect his new family and bury his troubled past.Rating: R (for strong violent content, language and some sexuality/nudity)Must be redeemed in I-Tunes only!


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