Orange is the New Black: Season 6 – HD (Vudu)


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Season 4 picks up where Season 3 left off: the inmates splashing about in the nearby lake after the mass escape; and Alex facing a menacing prison guard in the greenhouse. There’s also another matter, which—once everyone’s rounded up—causes headaches for everyone: a flood of new inmates. Piper also finds herself facing difficulties with the Dominicans who, after she rebuffs them, launch their own panty business; and she also inadvertantly forms and becomes de facto leader of a white-power group. Healy, meanwhile, takes a special interest in Lolly, who reminds him of his mother; celebrity chef Judy King makes herself at home in a spacious cell-slash-suite; Taystee becomes Caputo’s personal assistant; and a peaceful protest by the inmates results in an unexpected death.Genre: Drama


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